Fix your gut, Fix your health!! The digestive system is probably the most underrated but highly essential component of a healthy body and is responsible for much more than simply digesting and absorbing your food. To understand and diagnose problems that stem from the gut, naturopathic doctors often turn to advanced tools and tests, like the GI 360 Test.

Although there are numerous gastrointestinal tests available, the GI 360 Test is by far one of the most comprehensive and informative tools loaded with crucial information about the health of the gastrointestinal tract and can be used to inform treatments that are highly individualized for each patient.


Digestive Function: The test evaluates how well your digestive organs are functioning. It looks at factors like stomach acid levels, digestive enzyme activity, and the efficiency of nutrient absorption.

Microbiome Balance: Your gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiome. These microbes play a significant role in digestion and overall health. The GI 360 Test examines the composition and balance of these microorganisms, looking for imbalances that could lead to digestive problems.

Inflammation: Inflammation in the GI tract can cause discomfort and lead to chronic conditions. The test checks for markers of inflammation in the gut lining.

Immune Function: The GI system and the immune system are closely connected. The test assesses how well your immune system is functioning within the digestive tract.

Parasites and Pathogens: Sometimes, digestive issues can be caused by parasites or harmful bacteria. The GI 360 Test screens for the presence of these invaders.

Food Sensitivities: Certain foods can trigger digestive problems or allergic reactions. The test can be used to diagnose potenetial food sensitivities or intolerances.

Our digestive system is vital for our overall well-being. It helps us get essential nutrients from the food we eat, supports our immune system, and even plays a role in our mental health. When the GI system isn't working correctly, it can lead to numerous health problems, such as digestive disorders, nutrient deficiencies, and even autoimmune diseases.


Dietary Restrictions: The GI 360 Test itself is painless, but it may require some preparation and patience. After consulting with your naturopathic doctor, you will be provided a sample collection kit. Before taking the test, your naturopathic doctor might ask you to follow specific dietary restrictions for a few days. These restrictions help ensure accurate results.

Sample Collection: To analyze your GI health, you will be asked to provide stool samples. You might also need to provide a urine sample and, in some cases, a blood sample.

Laboratory Analysis: The collected samples are sent to a specialized laboratory for analysis. Here, experts use advanced techniques to assess various aspects of your GI health.

Results: Once the analysis is complete, your doctor will receive a detailed report that outlines the findings. This report is crucial for understanding the state of your GI system and planning any necessary treatments or dietary adjustments.

The GI-360 Report is impressively comprehensive and based on your findings, your naturopathic doctor will be able to come up with a individualized treatment plan including, diet, lifestyle, supplementation, botanical medicines, IV therapy, and other appropriate interventions.

To book this test, and to see if this test is right for you, please first book a naturopathic consult with the naturopathic doctor

Interpreting the GI 360 Test REsults

Your naturopathic doctor will interpret your report for you in a way that is easy to grasp. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Normal vs. Abnormal: Your results will be compared to established normal ranges for each parameter tested. Abnormal results may indicate underlying digestive issues.

  • Detailed Analysis: The report will provide a detailed analysis of your digestive function, microbiome composition, inflammation levels, and more.

  • Treatment Recommendations: Based on your results, your healthcare provider will suggest appropriate treatments or interventions. These could include dietary changes, probiotics, medications, or further tests.

  • Preventive Measures: Even if your results appear normal, the GI 360 Test can serve as a valuable tool for preventive healthcare. It can help you identify potential issues early, allowing you to make proactive lifestyle and dietary choices.


In summary, the GI 360 Test is one of the few comprehensive gut assessment tools used in functional digestive health. Given that good digestive health is paramount in overall well-being, it is important to use this level of testing to identify specific areas that require attention and address the problem. Sometimes symptomatic accounts of digestive concerns are not always diagnostic and performing a test to zero in on the issue can be invaluable. Your gut plays a significant role in your overall health, so it's worth taking care of it!